Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Procrastiating is no bueno. Especially when you have a 4 page paper to write due in less than 24 hours and you don't know what to write. The End.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Sitting here vibing to some reggae music and today made me recount a conversation I had with Ashely a while ago (yesterday). I was talking to her about a situation that occured between me and someone else and she was telling me how people come and go in your life for a reason. And I agreed saying that some people are ment to be in your life forever and some are just seasons, they come, they go, you move on to the next one......

Friday, March 12, 2010

Baby Let Me Downgrade You (?)

Keeping this blog nice and short. Hopefully. Basically I liked someone a lot and I guess you can say he broke my heart even though that phrase makes me feel uncomfortable. But I'm over it to some extent but its funny to see what people move on to after they quit you but whatever works for you I guess. If reducing you standards to someone who's illiterate and clearly immature for thier age works for you. If she was pretty that would make it worth it I guess but ehhh.... on that note I'm done blogging.