Thursday, July 8, 2010

How I Feel About Umm... Myself

People think I come off as being conceited and self aborbed because I constantly worry about the way I look and I'm not ashamed to say when I look good. The fact that I love taking pictures of myself doesn't help the fact that people feel the way they do about me but the truth is I'm far from conceited. I actually have a lot of things to be self concious about I just dont let those thoughts consume me to the point where I hate the way I look cuz I actually love myself a whole lot.

The reason why I spend a lot of time, money, and energy on the way I look is because I feel like the way you look can make a big difference in how you feel about yourself and how you carry yourself. Personally looking nice even when its nothing extra special gives me an extra boost of confidence and it also has an affect on how people see you.

You can say all you want that you don't care what people think of you but most people who say that are lying and if your not then you should care. The way people percieve you determines how they will treat you so to some extent it is important to put your best face forward if you expect to be respected.

Lastly, I think one of the most important reasons to have to look good as much as possible is for the simple fact that you never really know who you may run into in life. You could find yourself unexpectely encountering a long lost friend, your worst enemey, your dream job, the man/woman of your dreams, or anything that can be life changing and those are all things you wanna make a good first impression on and the best way to do that before you even open your mouth is with your physical apperance. Cuz lets face it, all those situations are not one that you want the person you are encountering to think as they walk past you "damn he/she looks horrible, I definitly don't want to be bothered with them", or anything similar to that. I guess the moral of my blog is that as long as I look good, then its all good!!!