Monday, April 5, 2010


So im just sitting here refecting on what was a pretty good day, and I have to say I feel pretty accomplished. I got a paper back from my english class A- which is not bad at all ^_^. Called up my future school and made sure everything was going smoothly with my transition which put me at ease since I was soo worried about my credits not being able to transfer but its all good now.
The only thing I really have stressing me out is financial issues. I am 5 months away from leaving gross Poughkeepsie forever which would be a good amount of time to get rid of my debt (shopaholic smh) but I only plan on working until the end of June so not only do I have to pay off my credit cards, I also have to start paying for my summer classes and still have money left over for when Im at school. So much to do in so little time what did I get myself into lol.
Regaurdless, I'm excited about my future and with each day that comes I get more excited and more anxious for my life to really begin!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you Love!!!! Exciting changes of progression..You're beautiful!
